Barak Optometry located in the Robinson Costco

Eye Exams
Eye Exams
Your exam will include testing for glaucoma, ocular disease, eye coordination, corrective needs, and neurological disorders of the visual system. Once testing is complete Dr. Barak will review his findings with you and outline your personalized treatment plan.
Glasses prescription is included.
General Adult Exam $70
Pediatric General Exam $70
Vision Tests
Vision Tests
Barak Optometry is pleased to announce that we are now offering the Optos retina scan. This allows us to achieve a wide image view of the retina without the use of eyedrops.
Optos scan fee $30
Contact Lens Fitting
Contact Lens Fitting
Our contact lens exams includes a general exam with the addition of a contact lens fitting and prescription.
Contact Lens Exam $100
Specialty Contact Lens Exam $110
General FAQs
Do I need a Costco membership to have my eyes examined at Barak Optometry?
No, we are a private practice, independent of Costco. However, if you'd like to use Costco Optical to purchase contacts or glasses you will need a membership.
How often should I have my eyes examined?
The American Optometric Association recommends a yearly exam for adults.
Can't I just order contacts online without an exam?
No, you need a valid prescription to order contacts online. The prescription is good for one year from the date of the exam.
How often should I update my contact lens prescription?
Contact lens prescriptions need to be updated on an annual basis.
I've been wearing the same contacts for years, why do I need to come in every year just to get a "new" prescription?
Wearing contacts is a wonderful option for some people, however it does come with certain risk factors such as corneal complications that need to be assessed on a yearly basis. In addition, your prescription may need to be adjusted in order to provide you with the best visual acuity.
What is an optometrist?
Doctors of optometry (ODs) are the primary health care professionals for the eye. Optometrists examine, diagnose, treat, and manage diseases, injuries, and disorders of the visual system, the eye, and associated structures as well as identify related systemic conditions affecting the eye. To become an optometrist, one must complete an undergraduate degree followed by 4 years of professional education in a college of optometry. In addition to this Dr. Barak has also completed a one year residency.
Do you accept walk-ins or do I need an appointment?
At Barak Optometry we love walk-ins! However, we recommend that you pre-schedule your appointment to ensure that the time slot you want is available.
Pediatric FAQs
At what age should I first have my child's eyes examined?
The American Optometric Association recommends that a child has her or his first professional eye examination at age six months, another at age three, one when the child starts school, and then at least every two year thereafter.
Can you examine an infants eyes?
Yes! Dr. Barak is specially trained in this area.
The school provides a vision screening, isn't that enough for my child?
School vision screenings are basic tests used to determine if your child can see to the front of the class. An eye exam performed by a licensed Doctor of Optometry goes well beyond this. Some frequent issues that may often be missed in a school vision screening are binocular vision dysfunction, farsightedness (where you can't see close up), and amblyopia (lazy eye).
Does Dr. Barak have any experience working with special needs children?
Yes! Dr. Barak has had the opportunity to work with a wide range of children with special needs and understands the unique challenges and rewards that come with treating these patients.

1 (412) 490-2202
1 (412) 490-2202